You Can Now Appeal a VA Claim Online

Do you need to appeal a rejection on a VA benefits claim?

What was once a slower and bureaucratic process, has gotten much easier. Now, you can file any appeal all online if you’re a veteran who’s received a benefits rejection from your regional Veterans Affairs office.

Here are three ways to make an appeal, how to do it online, and what to expect during the process.

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Three Ways to Appeal a VA Claim

  1. Direct Review
    • The first way to make an appeal is to ask for a review of your original VA claim without submitting other evidence. Here the appeal board will reexamine your request for benefits.
  2. Submitting More Evidence
    • This type of appeal requires you to submit new evidence for your case within 90 days of the appeal.
    • What kind of evidence would help your case? You could submit medical records (including from when you were in the service, new medical opinions, C&P statements, and lay statements (support letters from friends).
  3. Hearing Requests
    • You can submit requests simultaneously or in lieu of the second appeal option. This is your opportunity to submit your case directly to a Veterans Law Judge, which can occur in person, via videoconference, or via web conference.

Appeal Your VA Claim Online Faster than Ever!

This is now much easier to initiate if you register online. All you have to do is log in to your account and request a board appeal. It’s also possible to make a Notice of Disagreement through a VA Form 10182.

If you struggle with online resources or have questions about the process, please give SRQ Vets a call, and we may be able to send assistance.

What Happens at the Appeals Board?

It used to take an average of almost six years to get a response on a VA claim. Under the new process, the average claim takes only about 12 to 18 months. The VA can expedite this process if you’re facing financial hardship or serious illness, are over 75 years old, or have been affected by a natural disaster.

What you see here is just a snapshot of how the appeals process works. For more information, we recommend contacting the VA directly at 1-800-827-1000.

Once again, if you’d like more help with handling VA claims, then you’re also welcome to reach out to SRQ Vets for support. Our mission is to help veterans, particularly around Sarasota, FL, in any way possible. You can reach us with VA-related questions anytime at 941-777-8387.

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