Ways You Can Help with SRQ Vets

As you may already know, the SRQ Vets organization dedicates its entire mission to the service and aid of former military service members in the Sarasota/Bradenton community. This encompasses many activities and local partnerships. The point we always stress with our benefactors is that there is no source of assistance too small or irrelevant when it comes to supporting service veterans.

For this quick post, we’d like to remind you of some things we do, and how you can participate in those fun, effective, and charitable endeavors.

Ways You Can Help SRQ Vets Serve Veterans in Florida

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  1. Our Primary Veteran Services
    • Whenever a service member returns from overseas duty or finishes their military career, they’ll likely encounter many difficulties and assimilation issues. This can be everything from coping with combat trauma (PTSD especially), finding a new job, going back to school, and much more.
    • We try to ease the confusion many veterans face by pitching in with monetary and voluntary support. Sometimes this involves direct donations, whereas we also have many volunteers who visit elderly/hospitalized vets. We even spend time with basic services like automotive repair, grocery delivery, and things of that nature.
  2. Special Events Honoring Veterans
    • Since so many folks have served honorably, even sacrificing their lives, it only makes sense that we honor them for their heroic deeds. That’s why SRQ Vets always puts special emphasis on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and other commemorations dedicated to those who’ve served America. In fact, we just finished our Annual Memorial Hike, which was both a ton of fun, and helped generate substantial proceeds to help local veterans. Many local businesses sponsored this, and the turnout among the Sarasota community was outstanding.
  3. Veterans Affairs (VA) Assistance
    • This is a tremendous issue for so many returning troops. When we say “VA assistance,” it involves helping veterans navigate all the bottlenecks related to disability claims, awards corrections, and other areas that create a lot of stress. We also partner with a local law firm, Veterans Affair Law, whose practice aims to help veterans get faster results rather than languish in the VA bureaucracy.

Hopefully, this gives you a bird’s-eye-view of what we do, and how you can contribute to our mission. SRQ Vets is a Sarasota-based 501(c)(3) organization, tasked with finding solutions to veterans problems, including employment location, educational help, VA assistance, and more. If you’d like to learn more or discover ways to join us, then contact us anytime at 941-777-8387.

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