Women are often overlooked when we acknowledge veterans. For more than 100 years, women have filled the same roles as men in the United States military, but have not been met with the same level of recognition. In order to help female veterans receive the attention they deserve, National Vet Girls Rock Day is celebrated on February 19. Learn more about this holiday:

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National Vet Girls Rock Day was established by the Vet Rock Girls. This initiative was created to give attention to the women who have served in the United States military. There are more than two million women veterans who deserve the same level of respect and honor as their male peers.

National Vet Girls Rock Day is all about paying respect to women veterans. The holiday is focused on building relationships, supporting, and helping women veterans. This day is also used to give a voice to the women who may not always be included in events honoring veterans.

Women were not always allowed to be members of the military. Before they started serving our country as active military members, they were caretakers, cooks, and nurses for male military members. Then, in 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt established the Navy Nurse Corps. This group included the first 20 military women. They were known as “The Sacred Twenty.”

The first woman to officially enlist in the United States military was Loretta Perfectus Walsh. She joined the Navy in 1917. During the last two years of World War II, women were officially allowed to participate in active military and combat roles. When this opportunity became a possibility, 33,000 women signed up.

Ever since the first women joined the United States military over 100 years ago, millions of women have followed in their footsteps, which led to the establishment of Vet Rock Girls. The first National Vet Girls Rock Day was celebrated in 2017. 

This February, make a point to recognize and honor women veterans. You can do so by thanking a local female veteran in your neighborhood. You can also make a contribution or donation to an organization that honors veterans. At SRQ Vets, we are a group of local veterans who serve fellow local veterans. We help veterans with mental health, joblessness, education, healthcare, and more. Consider making a donation to SRQ Vets in honor of the woman veterans in our community this National Vet Girls Rock Day.

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