Offering Support & Compassion to our Returning Veterans

It goes without saying that veterans don’t get nearly enough respect. Often, our opinion about current theatres of operations and conflicts cloud our empathy and prevent us from extending a caring and supportive hand. Many veterans returning home are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and head injuries. Getting the proper treatment isn’t always possible, so it’s up to us to help in any way we can.

W wounded veteran looking for veteran support

Is There Any Help Available? 

Short answer—yes. Throughout the country are VHA (Veterans Health Association) hospitals. While these are designed to offer help to our veterans, services vary upon the location, and many aren’t able to find out if they’re eligible for treatment or not. Treatment for PTSD, substance abuse and depression is currently one of the largest afflictions that our returning veterans are facing.

Is There Anything Preventing Veterans from Getting Care? 

While there’s been a general normalization over the past several years, mental health still carries a stigma that many people assume translates to weakness. Conditions such as depression are no different from bodily injuries that need medical attention and care. Aside from the social stigma, some veterans lack transportation or have difficulty getting time off work.

What Do Veterans Currently Need? What Can We Do to Help?

Veterans are currently in need of a complex medical system that is geared towards assisting them in matters of PTSD and accompanying afflictions. While there’s still a great deal of work to be done, educating health care workers and establishing better communication between veterans, their families, and healthcare providers.

There are several ways you can help; charitable organizations are always in need of support and helping to raise public awareness and funding can be very beneficial. There are over 18 million veterans in the United States right now. Any way you can help is always appreciated, and saying ‘thank you’ is always free.  

SRQ Vets for the Betterment of Other Vets

SRQ Vets is a non-profit organization comprised of vets to help their communities and other vets who are currently in need of help via veteran support services. If you want to get involved, visit us online and get involved or donate. You can also reach out to us by calling (941) 777-8387. There’s a lot of healing to be done, and with everyone’s help, we can accomplish the impossible.

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