Veterans Day is celebrated every November 11. On this day, we honor those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day. On Memorial Day, we honor those who have died while in service. Veterans Day is a day to celebrate those who are still with us.

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The first Veterans Day, which was originally celebrated as Armistice Day, was on November 11, 1919. President Woodrow Wilson announced the holiday as a way to honor the fallen soldiers of The Great War. Then, in 1926, Armistice Day became a legal government holiday.

World War II veteran Raymond Weeks had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, rather than just those who have died. In 1945, he led a delegation to General Dwight Eisenhower, who supported the idea. Ever since, Veterans Day has been a day used to honor our veterans and remember the sacrifices they made for our country.

There are many ways to celebrate Veterans Day. Some people dedicate this day to giving military-themed gifts to loved ones who have served. Others visit restaurants or stores that are hosting Veterans Day specials. Veterans Day is a great time to thank a veteran and reflect on their sacrifices.

If you or a loved one is a veteran, you can get involved with SRQ Vets. We are led by and serve local veterans. Our volunteer-based organization is dedicated to helping veterans get the help they need. Some of the services we provide include transportation and home modifications for disabled vets. If you want to get involved and learn more about SRQ Vets, feel free to give us a call at 941-777-8387 today!

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