How to Support Family Members with PTSD

Do you know a family member, friend, coworker, or classmate who suffers from the mental turmoil of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

lakewood ranch veteran professional therapy

It comes from a variety of sources, namely any significant trauma, including vehicle accidents, sexual assault, sports injuries, domestic disputes, and intense military combat episodes. That last one is our primary focus because of the veterans we work with around Sarasota. In fact, PTSD first became known for the devastation it inflicts on service members who have gone through gruesome and traumatic battles in various combat zones.

What can you do to support those who have suffered the long-term effects of PTSD?

First: Recognize the Symptoms

What are the ways to identify whether someone suffers with a form of PTSD?

You won’t know for sure, since it requires professional diagnosis, but there are some consistent symptoms that should signal that someone may have some version of this devastating disorder.

  • They show signs of extreme anxiety, fear, or shame.
  • They mention having traumatic flashbacks or triggers (regarding the trauma).
  • Your family member may struggle with nightmares, an inability to discuss what happened, or may avoid visiting certain locations.

Supporting PTSD Military Veterans in Your Family

If someone you know has some of those symptoms, and they haven’t sought medical assistance, then you should gently encourage them to do so.

As it pertains to military veterans, they may have already obtained a diagnosis before or after their discharge from the service. However, many patients do not recognize the symptoms immediately. There’s a version of the disorder known as Delayed-Onset PTSD, meaning that it could take years for the symptoms to manifest.

Also, it’s important to remember that the benefits and treatment veterans receive from the VA department do not work as efficiently as we would like. Therefore, they could use all the help they can get.

PTSD Treatments & Resources

What are some effective PTSD treatments and support resources you can encourage or recommend to a suffering vet in your family?

  • Recommend Psychological Treatments from Professionals – This doesn’t mean you’d be their doctor, making specific referrals, but you can make them aware that there are plenty of new techniques for treating PTSD. Trained psychiatrists can assist with this condition with treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Schema Therapy, Holistic Therapy, and other methods.
  • Encourage Good Lifestyle Habits – Have them focus on getting enough sleep, exercising, consuming nutritious foods, practicing mindful meditations, praying, and socializing.
  • Lend a Kind Ear – It may surprise you to know how much consolation comes from just having a sympathetic person listen to their troubles.

SRQ Vets: Helping Sarasota Veterans Cope with PTSD

While we’re not a hospital or mental professionals, our mission is to lend a hand to struggling veterans, including those with PTSD, any way possible. Part of that involves connecting distressed veterans with the proper resources to improve their quality of life.

SRQ Vets invites you to join us in this noble cause by donating your time, resources, and encouragement to former service members in Sarasota and Bradenton. If you’d like to discover more ways to do that, then contact us anytime at 941-777-8387.

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