Army Reserve Birthday

April 23, 2021, is the United States Army Reserve’s 113 birthday. For over 100 years, the Army Reserve acted as “the most capable, combat-ready, and lethal Federal Reserve force in the history of the Nation,” according to their official site.

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The Army Reserve contributed to two World Wars, the Persian Gulf War, the Vietnam War, the war in Korea, and the Cold War, as well as many other missions. There are Army Reserve communities in every state, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Additionally, reservists are deployed in about 30 countries.

Did you know Senator Daniel Inouye, Director Mel Brooks, MASH actor Alan Alda, and John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater Revival all served in the Army Reserve?

The Army Reserve as we know it was established in 1908, but citizen-soldier organizations that are comparable to the Army Reserve can be traced back to the French and Indian War from 1756 to 1763. During World War Two, the Army Reserve was called to duty with 26 Army Reserve infantry divisions, 100,000 officers, and 200,000 enlisted Army Reservists. The Army Reserve additionally put out big numbers for the Korean War. After these wars, the reserve downsized and focused on training. Today, the Army Reserve rotates part-time troops through active duty mobilizations and monthly training.

To celebrate the Army Reserve’s birthday this year, consider getting involved with SRQ Vets. We are an organization made up of local veterans who are dedicated to serving fellow veterans. To learn more about us, give us a call at 941-777-8387.

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